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    Fall is upon us! Find some color inspiration here!


    Linda Toye Jewellery

      /  DESIGN   /  Miami Forever

    Miami Forever

    Feeling festive yet? I have just the answer. With these colors & combinations you can satisfy that festive feeling at any time of the year.

    Every Spring when the light finally starts to shine again it seems to be the time of year that I get inspired to design new things. This year it happened when I found a new bead color & decided on a spur of the moment to combine it with it’s opposite. The finished product reminded me of my trip two years ago to Miami. And thus Miami Forever has been born.

    Of course then it just took off and I went a bit out of control with the color combinations. I mean not really, but I had the feeling to make many,and had to literally stop myself from making them all the time. If I can manage to sell them then that means I can keep making them. (See my new bracelet categories called Woven.) And if there is a color combination that you must have please feel free to write me and ask if it’s possible. Because then I added silver and gold color possibilities so it literally goes on forever!

    Then also came the earrings. I was like, hmmm, how big can I go with this ball. So here you go. A simple earring with a single (but big) bead. A little retro; a little modern at the same time. I’m not really a “gold” color person, but for some reason I was quite attracted to this large gold bead (and lo and behold) I was brave enough to try it out! I have been testing them & they aren’t too heavy for me. Of course if you are sensitive to that type of thing then maybe you have to be careful. I’ve worn them a few times for 8-10 hours at a time and it was fine. I only use sterling silver lightweight earring hooks so that also helps. I also have them in a smaller size with a slightly smaller bead which is even more lightweight. Not to mention the mini size which goes well with workday style. These you can find under Big Squeeze and Mini Squeeze categories in the earring section.(coming soon!)

    Fashion Show at Hotel Lilla Roberts on June 9th

    I was so honored to be asked to join in Lilla Robert’s Fashion Show. Check this out! I’m in good company. Minna Parikka,Katri Niskanen,Lumi,Frenn,eN by Hanna Saren and ME!

    The fabulous FASHION TEAM

    •  Stylisti Vesa Silver
    •  Stylistin assistentti Petra Jousimies
    •  Makeup Keiku Borgström
    •  Hair Meron Laine
    •  Valokuvaaja Eeva Suutari

    And my lovely model will be the one and only Oona Anttila. A beautiful world traveller girl who studies Creative Sustainability at Helsinki Aalto University; who has the biggest heart and the brightest  future,ever! <3

    So there you go. This has been my first, hopefully not last blog post. Hoping to get this going and be more active in this area! Have a great day and please share this, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or observations!
    Kind regards and terkut! (which means in finnish “greetings” and is used at the end of a casual letter to friends) 😉


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